CIRCUIT CITY SHOWROOM, 29 Sept 2023 - 29 Oct 2023, GDL525, Amsterdam.

a group exhibition hosted by Lynn Suemitsu & MRZB with works by:
Christiane Blattmann
Kira Scerbin
Shade The´ret
Temra Pavlovic
The opening will be marked by I’M GOING TO SLASH IT / JE VAIS LE DÉCHIRER, a performance by Shade The´ret

We thought of putting on this show in June, after what felt like the end of something, when we talked about what that was: I could not really say it, nor see it. Didn’t have eyes and ears for it. Maybe a false-ending? Or things changing so fast that it’s difficult to keep up the count. The mind hovers and wonders, forgetting its groundings, distancing itself from what feels as given.
After the winter we began traveling, conversations went underwater in messages and inboxes. They surfaced back into night-time conversations of the reason why people do what they do the way they are doing it, which became a formula to question our works and affinities. Desire came as an ideal response to where forms should go, as knowing how to lose something in order to find something else, choreographies of presences, absences, time, permutations, permanence. A circuit, a body, the work moves forwards, an interzone of people and needs, stretching things into other things, accumulating, derailing them, density, matter, noise, it feeds on them, until it emerges back, arbitrarily there.
As displayed throughout the house, the positions presented in CIRCUIT CITY SHOWROOM, end up in places we can see ourselves going or where we would love to be going, or it’s maybe just things of the minds, hovering and wondering, forgetting their groundings, distancing themselves from what feels as given.
I’M GOING TO SLASH IT / JE VAIS LE DÉCHIRER,Shade Théret mrzb-circuitshowroom mrzb-circuitshowroom mrzb-circuitshowroom mrzb-circuitshowroom mrzb-circuitshowroom Christiane Blatmann, High Rise Boots, plaster, pigment, 2016 mrzb-circuitshowroom MRZB, I Killed My Father, I Ate Human Flesh, I Quiver With Joy (Kaspar, 2 Decadi Nella Tana), Video, 6:30, performed by Ivan Cheng, 2023 mrzb-circuitshowroom Temra Pavlovic, Finding out and dropping it, C-print, 44 x 200 cm, 2023 mrzb-circuitshowroom mrzb-circuitshowroom mrzb-circuitshowroom Kira Scerbin, My Bird, oil on canvas, aluminum frame, 2023 mrzb-circuitshowroom mrzb-circuitshowroom